Immigration Consultants
in Dubai for Malta
Malta is the second largest country in the world based on total area,
and the fourts largest country in terms of land area.
Get Work Permit For Malta
Malta, a pivotal member of the European Union, boasts a robust employment landscape across various sectors, making it an attractive destination for international job seekers. Those hailing from non-EU or EEA countries must obtain a work permit to pursue employment opportunities in Malta.
To secure employment in Malta, overseas job seekers must have their work permit endorsed by their prospective employers in accordance with immigration laws governing their home country. Non-EU nationals are required to obtain a visa to enter Malta initially and then proceed to apply for a work permit upon arrival in the country.
Individuals from non-EU countries are eligible to apply for a Single Permit, which is facilitated by their employer and grants them the authorization to both work and reside in Malta. The application for a Single Permit must include the following documents:
- Copy of a valid employment contract
- Private medical insurance policy providing coverage for a minimum of one year
- Cover letter from the prospective employer
- Job description duly approved by the employer
- A signed CV demonstrating a minimum of three years of relevant work experience
Insta Immigrations
- A Certified Company
An Expert Advisory For Work Permit!