Immigration Consultants
in Dubai for Portugal
Portugal is the second largest country in the world based on total area,
and the fourts largest country in terms of land area.
Get Work Permit For Portugal
Portugal Immigration Services :
A work permit is a crucial document that authorizes a foreign national to legally work in Portugal. This permit specifies the company collaborating with the foreign national, as well as the designated position or type of work to be undertaken. The work is considered legal only if it aligns with the activities outlined in the permit. Consequently, should the foreign national wish to change jobs, including changing employers, positions, or industries, a new permit must be obtained. However, there are certain conditions under which the permit remains valid despite changes in the circumstances for which it was originally granted.
How to Apply for a Portugal Work Permit :
Once we have received the required documents, the employer will review them, and if necessary, a Skype video interview may be conducted. Upon receipt of payment, we will submit the documents to our designated attorney. The typical timeframe for obtaining a Visa Issuance Letter (Work Permit) ranges between 4 to 6 weeks. Once the Visa Issuance Letter is issued, it will be dispatched to you via courier. Subsequently, you will need to submit the visa application to the Portuguese Embassy in your home country. The embassy will issue you a “one year” multiple-entry visa, which can be renewed annually or upgraded to permanent residency under certain conditions.
Insta Immigrations
- A Certified Company
An Expert Advisory For Work Permit!